Healing Events
Contact John Simmons 082 497 0417
Physical healing, paid for by the blood of Jesus, in His precious name, has always been a
part of Hillside culture.
Apart from ministering to members and visitors to Hillside during Sunday meetings, we have for several years also been holding a monthly Healing Event on our Hillside Campus, which is an outreach to our community to experience the healing power of the love of God,
in their own lives. Over the years, we have been blessed to see many people, touched by the Fathers love and healed of a wide range of sicknesses and diseases. These have included amongst others;
cancer, Coxsackie virus, various skeletal and muscular conditions, hearing and sight issues, many of these with associated pain and discomfort. Short legs have grown before our eyes and pain
disappeared in an instant, with many experiencing in a moment the spectacular impact of Gods love
for them. Not all are healed instantaneously, but experience progressive improvement in the hours, days and weeks following prayer at these events. Healing is a ministry we believe all children of God
are called upon to exercise as part of advancing the kingdom of God “here on earth as it is in heaven and we encourage each one in our Hillside Family to exercise faith, take the risk and pray for healing whenever and wherever the need arises.